Monday, 5 May 2014

Mencegah Diabetes Dengan Vivix

Penyakit Kencing Manis ataupun Diabetes Mellitus berlaku apabila hormon insulin yang dirembeskan oleh pankreas tidak mencukupi bagi membantu sel badan menyerap glukosa. Ini menyebabkan tubuh kelebihan glukosa (hiperglikemia). Glukosa ini akan berkumpul dalam sirkulasi darah pesakit dan kemudian melimpah ke dalam air kencing. Kekurangan atau tiada insulin ini membuatkan pesakit Diabetes sering letih, haus, sering buang air dan pandangan menjadi kabur. Bacaan pesakit Diabetes ialah 6.5 ke atas dan bacaan individu sihat ialah dalam lingkungan 5.

Shaklee Vivix minuman campuran botani yang mengandungi Resveratrol yang tinggi dan 15 polifenol di mana ia adalah 10 kali ganda lebih hebat daripada resveratrol sahaja. Dengan mengamalkan Vivix, ia dapat membantu mengurangkan komplikasi pesakit Diabetes.

Bagaimana Vivix bertindak?
  • Resveratrol dalam Vivix mencegah penghasilan AGE protein. AGE protein terhasil daripada gula berlebihan dan protein di dalam badan dan menyebabkan Atherosclerotic , sel mati dan komplikasi diabetes.

  • Resveratrol memberi efek Anti-Hiperglikemia. Menurut artikel journal dari Modern Pharmaceutical Research Dec 2009, Vol. 2, No.4 yang bertajuk Antihyperglcemic effect of Resveratrol and its immune modulation, paras glukosa di dalam darah berkurangan secara signifikan berdasarkan dos yang diberi. Glukosa dalam darah juga berkurangan secara konsisten selam 2 jam.

  • Resveratrol efek Anti- Diabetic oleh 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 

" Diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic disease affecting about 5% of people all over the world. Data from the literature indicate that resveratrol is a compound exerting numerous beneficial effects in organisms. Rodent studies, for example, have demonstrated that resveratrol decreases blood glucose in animals with hyperglycemia. This effect seems to predominantly result from increased intracellular transport of glucose. Resveratrol was also demonstrated to induce effects that may contribute to the protection of β cells in diabetes. In experiments on pancreatic islets, the ability of resveratrol to reduce insulin secretion was demonstrated; this effect was confirmed in animals with hyperinsulinemia, in which resveratrol decreased blood insulin levels. Moreover, inhibition of cytokine action and attenuation of the oxidative damage of the pancreatic tissue by resveratrol were recently shown. Studies of animals with insulin resistance indicate that resveratrol may also improve insulin action. The mechanism through which resveratrol improves insulin action is complex and involves reduced adiposity, changes in gene expression, and changes in the activities of some enzymes. These data indicate that resveratrol may be useful in preventing and treating diabetes."

Testimoni Pengguna Vivix untuk Diabetes no.1:

Testimoni kredit : Master Norita
Testimoni Pengguna Vivix untuk Diabetes no.2:

Testimoni kredit : JomSihat
Testimoni Pengguna Vivix untuk Diabetes no.3:
Testimoni kredit : GenkiMomma

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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